

  • Time: 6 months with monthly assessing & bespoke projects.

    Goal: Reach 'best' & ideal health & wellness metrics ( as listed).

    Who: Brad Pamp and the URM leadership group.


  • Monthly Health & Wellness Metrics & URM 'ideal' goal.


    # Marker Australian Average Metrics Risky & likely Sugar-Burning Metabolism 'Ideal' & likely Fat-Burning Metabolism.
    1 Blood Pressure 140/90 140>/90> 120/80
    2 Resting Heart Rate M: 82 F: 85 M: 85> F: 85> M: <70 F: <75
    3 Triglycerides 2.15 2.20> <1.80
    4 HbA1c – Glucose Metric 5.6 5.8> 5.0
    5 Blood Lactic (Resting) M: 1.2 F: 1.0 M: 1.3 F: 1.1 M: 0.8 F: 0.7
    6 Breath Ketones 0.5 0.0 1.5>
    7 Uric Acid M: 6.7 F: 5.6 M: 6.8 F: 5.8 M: 5.5 F: 5.5
    8 Hydration Status M: 1.021 F: 1.013 1.025> 1.011
    9 pH 6.5 <6.25 7.25 – 7.5
    10 Weight 7kgs> HAMWI calc 10kgs> HAMWI Calc HAMWI Calc


  • STEP 1:  Starting Assessment in privacy.

    STEP 2: URM Leadership Group Programs & Individual Programs.

    STEP 3: Fortnightly BP Health post & URM Leadership 'health' forum.

    STEP 4: Re-Assess monthly for six months.


    GOAL: Reach 'ideal' health metrics as listed.