What is the DTi model?
DTi – Default Training Intensity.
💓 Training and policing your optimum training intensity.
💓 DTi is represented in heart rate beats per minute or by your perceived rate of exertion.
💓 Your DTi (ceiling) is close to your aerobic threshold.
💓 Your aerobic threshold is 'about' your maximum sustainable effort favouring stored fat as the dominant energy source.
Calculate your DTi training ceiling via the questionnaire.
You'll require a heart rate monitor to accurately practice the DTi method.
a) 183 minus your age =
b) If you've suffered significant illness within the last five years; minus 6 =
c) You've been largely sedentary over the past two years; minus 3 =
d) You have suffered more than one cold & flu (COVID) over the past 12 months; minus 2 =
e) You are challenged regularly with muscle or joint inflammatory conditions; minus 3 =
f) You are challenged with frequent and residual lifestyle stress; minus 3 =
g) You feel you are more than 10kgs over your ideal weight; minus 3 =
h) You've mainly been healthy for two years; add 6 =
i) You've exercised regularly for at least three years; add 5 =
j) You've raced strongly over the past three years; add 5 =
This number is your your DTi ceiling represented in HR beats per minute, e.g. 141.
Your 'easy' perceived effort = <10 beats lower.
Your 'hard' perceived effort = 10+> beats higher.
Much of the Brad Pamp training method revolves around building your best health & athleticism at YOUR DTi.
‘Your’ DTi experience;
🏃 You can hold a conversation, albeit using shorter sentences.
🏃 On finishing your workout, you feel like you could keep going.
🏃 You feel great after your workout.
🏃 You feel cognitively sharp for the rest of your day.
🏃 You recover quickly for a similar workout the next day.
🏃 Your hunger remains stable - void of sugar cravings or overeating.
🏃 It's a challenge training with others.
🏃 You will likely be somewhat frustrated fine-tuning & policing your DTi threshold.
🏃 You may feel like the DTi is too easy - and Brad Pamp has this DTi thing wrong!
🏃 You sleep soundly as nature intended.
Why the DTi model?
🏅 Increasing your aerobic threshold speed.
🏅 Significantly lowering the risk of functional injuries.
🏅 Dramatically lowering the risk of illness, e.g. upper respiratory infections.
🏅 Matching training and your right appetite leads to ideal (race) weight.
🏅 Drives optimum "running' technique.
🏅 Automatically primes best breathing control.
🏅 A better 'training' match with a busy lifestyle.
🏅 Allows for optimum sleep.
🏅 Training enjoyment.
🏅 Progress is easily assessed.
What can you expect pushing beyond your DTi.
❌ 99% chance of injury.
❌ Calf & Achilles tendon strains head the list.
❌ Knee pain, shin splints & lower back pain.
❌ Spend $$$ on treatment.
❌ 75% chance to fall to upper-respiratory illness.
❌ Appetite drawn to sugary hits.
❌ Run & perform poorly.
❌ Start to dislike running (training).
❌ Fall in other areas in your life.
❌ Sleep poorly.