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Illness Rules
⚠️ When in doubt - consult your Doctor.
Sore throat (as in razor blades) - you're out! No training until swallowing is comfortable. It's likely the next phase will be a higher temperature. Mixing a higher temperature and activity offers little benefit.
Higher temperature - you're out! Wait to train until your temperature is considered normal. You will likely be out for 2-3 days.
Chesty cough - you're out! Anything below the shoulders has you sidelined. Wait for chest congestion to settle before returning to training.
Head cold - clean your nasal passage through a sinus netty pot (salty water). Lower your DTi by 5 beats (HR BPM) and take the first 10 minutes of your session super easily.
Sinus infection - clean your nasal passage with a netty pot and enjoy a warm, steamy shower after your session.
Hangover - before starting, consume a small glass of salty lukewarm water. Play up - turn up! Go!
Injury Rules
⚠️ When in doubt - consult your Physiotherapist or Sports Chiropractor.
Achilles tendon strains - self-massage with a sports liniment, practice pre-run calf raises (slowing the lowering phase), walk for 5 minutes, run on the flats and avoid ascents & sand, slow or stop if pain increases. Compress and consult your practitioner.
Hamstring strains - roll your hamstrings with a foam roller, walk briskly, avoid ascents and shorten your stride. If pain or dysfunction continues, consult your practitioner.
Plantar fascia (foot arch) - Self-massage, roll over a Coke bottle, avoid ascents & sand, and slightly increase your cadence (see Part 4 run tech).
Shin splints - consult your practitioner. Walking, new shoes, self-massage, running on grass, and increasing miles progressively can help.
Lower back pain - consult your practitioner. Practice conservative core strengthening routines, including appropriate and bespoke stretches.
Hip & pelvis concerns - consult your practitioner. Consider a few 45' squats before running, run a grass or a treadmill, and stretch your hip (figure 4 stretch).