'Nutritious Nine'


It took ten years of tinkering on finding the best 'homemade' cereal-like mix.  The outcome is a super slow energy releasing tasty breaky.  It's loaded with rockstar fats, steady carbs, is nutrient-packed, and the mix of honey, cinnamon & ginger give it a taste kick.  Start with low volume as this slow-burn choice will see you well beyond lunch.  Base your day to day volume on hunger!

All ingredients can be bought from 'all' major Supermarkets.
😉 Throughout the entire menu please know faded ingredients are linked to a supermarket for your shopping ease.



◦ 5.0L Tupperware container.
◦ 2 x 750 Quick Oats.
◦ 1 x 250g Shredded Coconut.
◦ 1 x 125g Slivered Almonds.
◦1 x 200g Sunflower Seeds.
◦ 1 x 250g Chia Seeds.
◦ 1 x 125g Cacao Nibs.
◦ 2 x Lge Tbsp Ground Cinnamon.
◦ 1 x Tbsp Ground Ginger.
◦ Honey to taste.



◦ Throw in all the goodies listed above and shake it up deluxe!
◦ 1/2 cup of nutritious nine.
◦ 1/2 cup water, or milk.
◦ Microwave for 660-90 seconds.
◦ Add Honey
  • Remember start with low volume and build relative to sustained hunger.

'Island Dream'


Please do not be scared coconut 'fat' will make you fat! It won't.  Enjoy making your own yogurt, adding gut thriving probiotics, and off the charts nutrients from the 'right' fruit & crunch.



◦ 500ml Coconut Milk (Full - not lite).
◦ Probiotic Powder (Eg; Natures Way Probiotic Powder 600B 100mg).
◦ Tbpn Slivered Almonds.
◦ 1/2 Tbpn Chia Seeds.
◦ Dash Ground Cinnamon.
◦ Berries of choice.
Note - if berries are crazy $, go with apple.



◦ Refrigerate coconut tin for 24 hours.
◦ Scoop out the top coconut cream, only. Save the bottom juice.
◦ 1 Tpn Probiotic powder.
◦ Add Chia seeds, Almonds, cinnamon & fruit.
◦ Mix & enjoy!

'Green Eggs'


This could be a weekend special! Although, we've stopped the clock on 97 seconds prep time, and about the same to eat! So, strongly recommend you give choice a crack, more than once!  Now, if you're still not sure about all this 'fat is good pitch' check out 'The Magic Pill' on Netflix, or youtube 2 min overview.



◦ 1-2 Eggs (Of course cageless birds are best).
◦ Soy-linseed bread (the more seeds the better).
◦ Avocado.
◦ Feta in Olive Oil.
◦ Himalayan Salt.
◦ Psyllium Husk.



◦ Heat your pan throwing in either; 'real' butter, or, coconut oil.
◦ Once sizzling, crack egg/s.
◦ Toast bread, add avocado 1/3, and tspn of feta.
◦ Dash of Salt.
◦ 1 tpn Psyllium Husk, Water (I recommend daily for 2.7 Reboot)

'Barely Legal Juice'


The nutrients in this bad boy will blow your gut health out of the park.  This gives your immune system a supershot, along with firing up your fat-burning engine.  You need a blender for this one! No, you don't need a Thermomix, just a something to shred it up.



◦ 1 tbpn Vital Greens (Woolies, Coles, Health Stores), or, Supergreens (much cheaper, but damn good).
◦ 1 Apple.
◦ 2 stalks Celery including leaves, spinach is also gold.
◦ 1 tbn Probiotic Powder (Eg; Natures Way Probiotic Powder)
◦ 1 big tbpn Chia Seeds.
◦ 1 tbpn LSA Mix.
◦ 1 tpn Psyllium Husk.
◦ 1/2 golf ball Ginger, whole.



◦ Throw everything in the blender, add 3/4 cup of water and let rip for 40 seconds.