I've listed the Top 5 outcomes you can expect should you push over your DTI before your aerobic system has sufficiently built up a tolerance!
1) You'll be drawn towards pick-me-up foods, usually sugar-laden choices.
DTI training favours your 'sugar' energy tank. This will require re-filling later in the day. Enter; your brain triggering insulin spiking (craved) chooses. These sub-optimal choices are working against building your aerobic capacity.
2) While perhaps not immediately, it's most likely you'll experience joint & muscle niggles through to an injury.
The higher (lactic) acidity response from >DTI work lowers your pH. 'Old' injuries will likely resurface and new ones appear. This is a serious motivation killer for your goals. Oh, and if injury doesn't halt your progress, 9/10 will fall to an upper respiratory illness. Again colds & the flu will often require 3-10 days recovery. Arrrh!
3) Yes, you'll burn (metabolise) more energy during the session, but, you'll be tapping into the wrong (energy) tank.
DTI training drives 1) energy being drawn from your fat tank, not your short-lived sugar tank, 2) You'll continue to draw 'more' energy from your fat reserves for the rest of the day.
4) You may feel great for about 90 minutes post-workout, but, then, you'll be mentally, emotionally and physically tired, flat, lethargic for the rest of the day.
>DTI action will result in tiredness, lower your tolerance, interest and communicative energy - this is not good. Lifestyle stress throws out more than enough stress-induced hormones like; adrenalin, non-adrenalin and cortisol. The last thing we need, now, is our exercise session thumping up further stress hormones. Unbalanced stress on stress should be avoided.
5) Overstimulated nerves & higher body temperature will rarely lead to quality sleep - beware.
Ideally, I recommend morning or lunchtime exercise. Your body will sleep best free from sparked-up nerves and once your body has cooled post-exercise.
NOTE - I'm not suggesting you avoid >DTI training forever. Far from it. >DTI training, particularly resistance training, offers up significant health benefits, but, NOT, before your aerobic system has been sufficiently built. You're building towards a point of >DTI tolerance.