🏃🏻 never exceed your dti.
🏃🏻 calculate your dti - CLICK HERE.
🏃🏻 dti = lowering injury risk.
🏃🏻 dti = develops aerobic fitness.
🏃🏻 healthy aerobic fitness is #1.
🏃🏻 heart rate monitoring is best.
🏃🏻 police your dti with alarms.
🏃🏻 tall posture.
🏃🏻 shoulders back & down.
🏃🏻 cadence @ 176 - 182 spm.
🏃🏻 use a metronome (YT beat @ 88 - CLICK)
🏃🏻 a typically shorter stride.
🏃🏻 feet lower to the ground.
🏃🏻 quiet and soft impact.
🏃🏻 increase your long run by 10% weekly, only.
🏃🏻 change up your long run route.
🏃🏻 note your cardiac drift (increased HR).
🏃🏻 drink to thirst - while in action.
🏃🏻 wear HOKA shoes.
🏃🏻 avoid gels until you reach 2 hours plus.
🏃🏻 music is fine, providing cadence & HR control.
The Green Project
I seriously hate running.
I haven't run for 30 years.
I can't run.
The Red Project
I like running, mostly.
I wish it was easier on my body.
I'm totally up for the 8-week bet.