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ignore typical thinking,

✅ Exercise harder,
✅ Avoid meat,
✅ Avoid alcohol,
✅ Eat lettuce.

data shows, the clear metabolic culprit,

🚫 'Ultra'-processed food (UPF).
🚫 Created or recreated food.
🚫 Created flavour & aroma.
🚫 Fat/Sugar/Salt - soft texture.

UPF, designed to be,

✅ Consumed on mass,
✅ Addictive,
✅ Presumed 'healthy' enough,
✅ Make money.

1972 - Processed food boom.
1974 - Colour TV in Australia.
1980 - Message from whole foods to grains.
1982 - Commercial mass-produced food chains.
1988 - Supermarket boom ( + shelf food).
1992 - Service station food.
1993 - Cigarette advertising banned.

Natural appetite distortion

✅ Consume more calories
✅ Higher blood sugar balance
✅ Improved fat storage metabolism
✅ Increased collective health risk

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