Brain Hack One...
When: You need to be your limitless best at 10 am.
What: Follow the 5 Steps from waking up to 10 am.
Why: Reach total mental clarity to be your confident best with optimum brain energy.
Brain Hack Two...
When: After finishing your engaging working day.
What: Follow the 3 steps before opening your front door.
Why: To unwind, dissociate, and return to your equilibrium with tolerance and relaxation in 3 minutes.
Brain Hack Three...
When: You feel withdrawn, distant and unmotivated.
What: Follow the 5 steps towards the light.
Why: Find belief and your motivational verve.
Brain Hack Four...
When: Anytime your stress levels feel over-cooked.
What: PART 1: Score your current adrenal stress, PART 2: Follow the 4 steps any place, anytime.
Why: Dial it back from the edge, re-tune your prime mindset in 3 minutes.
Brain Hack Five...
When: Before exercise.
What: Follow the 3 steps before starting.
Why: Be mentally ready to motivate your best-coordinated movement.